3DEXPERIENCE For Good Hackathon 2020
Prosthetic Hand Redesign
I was selected as a member of a team to work on a design challenge redesigning the existing LN-4 hand prosthetic for the Ellen Meadows Foundation.
We were tasked with creating a new hand design with increased functionality and a more realistic appearance. We completed the challenge developing and prototyping our design remotely, collaborating using the 3DEXPERIENCE Platform, and presented at 3DEXPERIENCE World 2020 in Nashville, TN.
Our design process began by reviewing the original LN-4 and evaluating the how to incorporate additional degrees of freedom into our design. I proposed focusing on specific functional positions the hand needs to hold to accomplish daily tasks. From determining what joints are needed to hold a pinch, grip, and point positions, we decided to focus on a three finger design. To lock the fingers in specific positions, we proceeded with an internal ratchet system with a button release on each side of the hand for the index and three fingers.
Since winning the challenge, the team has continued meeting and working toward improving the design for manufacturing in 2022.
More about the Ellen Meadows Foundation and the great work they do can be found here.
Section view showing the inner release system
Team 3 before presenting design at 3DEXPERIENCE World 2020
Original LN-4
Joint reference image
Video interview of the team at 3DEXPERIENCE World 2020.